How to Create Daily Habits to Change Your Life


We all have big dreams and aspirations we’d love to reach in life. However, it’s the small things we do every day that can help us get there. That’s why creating daily habits is essential to success in every aspect of life. The good news? Creating those habits is a lot easier than you think! It takes 21 days of committing to change to form a healthy habit or break a harmful habit. Making these tiny yet impactful adjustments to your daily life sets you up for positive lifestyle changes and success. The secret of your success is hidden in your daily routine!


Ready to get started? We’re sharing a few useful ways to create daily habits that can change your life for the better. 


Join the Sangani Summer Challenge

At Dr. Bharat Sangani’s, we’re all about pursuing a life of health, wealth, and happiness. Therefore, we’ve teamed up with our friends at DailyEndorphin to create a health and wellness challenge for the entire month of August. We challenge you to consciously make positive changes in areas of your health, wealth, and wisdom so you can transform your life for the better. Join our challenge to be held accountable, check in with other challengers, and get the support you need to grow. We’re in this together! 


Make Attainable Goals

As much as we all want to, we can’t change our habits and achieve success overnight. It takes consistent effort, diligence, and commitment. Therefore, it’s important to start small. Instead of reaching for far-fetched goals in a short period of time, set small weekly or monthly goals that you can successfully achieve. Break that long-term dream into pieces. Reaching these milestones will be motivating and encouraging to your progress, helping you to eventually get to those larger down the road. 


Track Your Progress

Whether you make a visual calendar or jot down a daily to-do list, tracking your progress is an excellent way to make and break influential daily habits. It will feel great to check off each task or goal throughout the week. This also gives you a chance to take a step back and take note of how far you’ve come. Be proud of yourself for doing the work! 


Reward Yourself

Once you’ve gotten into a consistent routine (at least 21 days), reward yourself with something fun. This can be anything from treating yourself to a nice meal out on the town, buying yourself a new clothing item you’ve been eyeing, or taking a night off after work for some self-care. You deserve it! 


Overall, breaking and making habits takes time, effort, and a desire to create the life you want for yourself. If you’re ready to make the necessary changes to achieve health, wealth, and wisdom, we want to support your journey. Join the Sangani Summer Challenge today to get started, and don’t forget to sign up for the Life is a Business mentorship program to help you stay on track!

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