Why does it seem that every happy couple you come across says that the secret to their relationship is good communication? As someone who has been married for many years, I have to agree. You cannot have a successful relationship without being courageous in your communication and talking about difficult things. Make no mistake, once...Read More
We are quickly approaching “open enrollment”. This is the moment of the year when employees have the option of enrolling in health insurance. Some have not enrolled, and some may be thinking of ending their enrollment or changing to a different plan. As an employer, it is important to relay all the necessary information so...Read More
CFOs can sometimes go unnoticed when discussing how to build a successful business, but having an effective CFO can drive your business either into the ground or into high sales. CFO stands for “Chief Financial Officer”. They are responsible for all financial matters within a company, this includes deciding on how much of the company’s...Read More
This month is all about health, which is the third pillar in my flagship program “Life Is A Business”. Without a good foundation of health, we don’t have much. This is why eating right and exercising regularly are so important. If you want to live well and prosper into your golden years, you need to...Read More
Do people still put out ads? Even though we are no longer advertising in the traditional sense (TV, newspapers, etc.), the world of marketing is alive and well. It has transitioned to a whole new format: digital. The rules have changed, but marketing continues to be an important part of running a business. If you...Read More
You started your nonprofit with tons of excitement, motivation, and momentum. However, now that you are two…three…four years into operation, you may be starting to lose sight of your goals. Staying focused on your overall mission can be challenging when so many other things pulling at your attention. Here are a few tricks and tips...Read More
Don Quixote’s quick-witted squire said, “Show me your friends and I’ll tell you who you are.” Although the man is fictional, the observation rings true; we are very much the company we keep. Have you ever noticed that you adopt certain traits or habits from those around you? For instance, maybe your closest friend gestures...Read More
A morning routine is essentially a set of actions you take every day upon waking. For many, this includes a frenzied start after hitting snooze once or twice, and a chaotic race out the door, with barely enough time for a cup of coffee. If this is you, consider all the benefits you may be...Read More
The phrase work-life balance pops up more and more often these days, but many of us still struggle to understand it, let alone define it within our own lives. Does it even exist? Work-life balance is typically known as a healthy relationship between your working hours and the rest of your time—otherwise known as your...Read More